Friday, March 02, 2007

The loves we lost...

For the past 3 days whenever I think about my current situation; I feel depressed over it. That's not good at all...

The good news is I got paid today!
After 3 weeks without any paid, I finally got some damn money.
The thing is I am earning just under $400 a fortnight, it's enough for me to live off, all I need is $300 a week. But, it's no compensation for getting at 4:30am for work. I ma trying not to worry so much and get trapped into thinking I wont find something that I will or even I wont find something at all that will suit me!

I feel like I am going to screw up at something and I don't know why to some degree... I think it because, in my present situation; I am feeling uneasy with the way things are the moment. Then again, I can just keep on hoping that someone will rang me back about work!
Realistically, I know the chances aren't great. I hate sitting around just waiting for a phone call.

When I think about Daniel, I feel happy. I think about him and my worries just seem to disappear... It seems I have become dependant on someone else once again, thinking, they'll save me from all my problems and I shouldn't be thinking that way, because, I know, I have to help myself first before, someone else can. It's a way of thinking I have tried to kill off. I've at least learnt it's not the correct way of thinking like that because, it isn't realistic. It's a fantasy way of thinking: Like a hero defeating the finally evil character in some-sort of a role playing game, it's the final blow of his sword that will surely bring the monster down to it's death, that will finally save the day...

I sound like I am tired and drunk off wine. I am tired, tired of living like this!
This blog is my outlet from the reality of the situation. I cannot procrastinate too much though. I hate to 'bitch', especially, everyone procrastinates online. It's been my whole life lately: work, sleep, work, talking to Daniel, cleaning, eating, sleep, work...zzz.

But, since Daniel is just about the only thing lately that is making me really happy, that isn't good for me to say the least. I am happy that I get time off during the day to do as I please, but, I just don't get any nights anymore as I have said previously. Oh, and forget days off at weekends anymore, just about. Anyway, usually all I do is end up sleeping during the day too.

I forgot to post the bands name and the song in my last post. It's by a band named, 'Trust Company' and it's called 'Stronger'. I really haven't been listening to music much lately either, usually, I listen to it a lot; it makes me happy, another thing to add to my 'what makes me happy list'.

I did read a very interesting website yesterday about happily entitled, "If you are thinking about suicide, read this first".

Hold on, don't freak out on me. I know WHAT you are thinking! No, I am not having them. I just randomly stumbled upon it and found it to be an interesting read... I am interested into the psychology as to what causes people to be happy, sad or even why they react they do in different situations. In the hope that people can understand themselves better by knowing how they work. That's the reason why I am curious about that stuff!

No success today with finding any work. I did ring a few places for work, but, they had nothing or at least anything that didn't suit the hours I want. I guess, I'll just keep on saying; there is always next time for a chance!


1 comment:

Lucifers-light said...

Glad you are NOT thinking about suicide other than what makes people happy and not. One of us thinking about such things is enough.

Yes, it would be wonderful if we could close our eyes and down out of the sky would come a Saviour to rescue us from all our ills and troubles. A Saviour who would restore things they way they ought to be instead of the way they are. And, as you point out, YES, it is a pipe dream--the kind of pipe dream that makes religion so successful. The Lone Ranger coming to the rescue. Superman who is able to leap tall buildings and fights for "truth, justice and the American myth."

But alas, you and I are both stuck in a world where there is no Saviour or Lone Ranger or Superman. But know that if I could, I would be your knight in shining armour. And I'm certain you would be my faire maiden in distress.

Your admirer...