Friday, February 16, 2007

Just look away...

Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse...

Yep, they did!

"Same shit, different day", as they say. I'm not letting it get me down either as life should do to the best of us...or the worse in some extreme cases!

My car decided it was going to over heat itself this morning on my way to work...I had to stop, let it cool down then, drive it back into town. Oh for the love of god!

Then, I send it to the mechanic. It was only a $70 repair, but, still... It would have been worse!

I'm at least feeling a bit more optimistic about my work situation.
Grape picking is very viable work and no one usually makes any money off it either... I'm starting to understand why too.

I haven't worked for a week and half...until today, because, all the work keeps getting canceled.

I may be getting another job soon. I hope so for my sanity!


1 comment:

Lucifers-light said...

SORRY to hear you had car trouble. But knowing prices here, you made out good at only $70. Here, it costs that much just for labor for one hour. And they don't charge you for anything less than an hour. It is horrible.

Hope you are able to find some good employment soon so you won't have to be so if'fy about whether or not you are going to be able to work that day. That is a horrible feeling.

Have a good day, sweetie.

Your admirer....