Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Not another nightmare...

Yeah great. I received a phone call off my cell phone last night from a private number. I had no idea who it was either. They sounded like some sleazy male.

I kept asking who they were, they wouldn't answer me. I hang up. They rang again, I answered and said, I had a voice recorder on my phone and that I was going to go to the police about them. Then, he said, he was 'keen' on me...I told him, to fuck off and I hang up again. He tried ringing me 3 more times. While I laid in bed, fearing the worst for myself...

Now, I'm paranoid about everything. It scared the hell out of me. I don't feel safe anymore. It could be ANYONE. I mean, I could be out having an awesome, drunken night, walking home and I could end up getting dragged off and raped by some sleazy guy. That thought scares me the most. That would be totally against my own will...

I can handle it if it's a female ringing me and harassing me, but, that's still bullshit. But if it's a male, fuck that. That's just wrong. I fear the opposite sex more-so because, they could easily over power me.

What the hell did I do to deserve that?!
God. All I try to do is be a good person and people still keep trying to fuck me over. It makes me want to break down and cry...

I have an idea of who it might be, but, I wouldn't put any bets on it at this stage.

I've had this happen to me before, by a female. She backed off though as soon as I mentioned the police though. I knew who it was the whole time.

This is just scary...


1 comment:

Lucifers-light said...

It causes me to be angry to know that some asshole is bothering you. (Again, that old protective knight in shining armour syndrome of mine...LOL) Seriously, though, I am sad to hear about it.

And YOU DID NOTHING TO DESERVE IT. So don't feel guilty about that.

I read somewhere that one of the best devices when you get calls like that is to have a police whistle and blow it really loud and long into the phone when they call. I guess it hurts their ears to hear such sounds and causes them to hang up or something but I read it works.

Anyway, my final thought, TAKE CARE of yourself and DO whatever it takes to protect yourself.

Your admirer...