Monday, February 05, 2007

The walking dead...

I am not sure if I'm awake - or - Asleep right now.
I have no idea how I am even awake at all right now.

I woke up at 4:45am this morning for work. That's why.

I feel like a 'living zombie', yet, my eyes are wide awake.
My mind wishes it could just pass out right now and never wake up again.

I know, I wont sleep though...if I tried right now.

Yeah, Thank you SO much Bob - For you're kind words. It made me smile. :D
You're such a nice man and I hope that you get over your depression...
I can't understand how people lose the point in life in the first place. But - the ones that don't give up, have a strong will to live.

"It's a hard life, so beat it back..." - Don't let the 'game' win over you. Be strong. Have faith. It's mind over matter...

And yet, you feel like it is your own fight? It is to some degree, but, there ARE many others that suffer the same thing as you do. Don't forget that!


1 comment:

Lucifers-light said...

KNOWING I gave you a smile is worth all the gold I could carry. For I know you do so deserve smiles and my heart sings when I am responsible. Oh, that I could lift you up to the hieghts of the heavens and bestowe upon you all the smiles in the unvierse. That I may be the one who would shower you with smiles would be my own heaven.

On the other matter of which you write, that I am not alone in my depression, such is true. But the knowledge of not being the only one in the world does not make the pain any easier to bear. For the depression which others feels is not mine and I have no sense of awareness to their situations.

In the past few days, since we both came to Blog, I have felt a closeness to you that makes me more aware of your plight in the world. Thus, I am able to almost feel some of your hurt and pain as you write about it. And if I read that you are depressed or sad, then I tend to relate to that feeling.

But I honestly cannot truly know or feel what you are feeling. For if I could, I would erase it from your life so that I might be your shining knight in white armor upon the galloping stead of victory.

Such has always been my plight of wanting to "come to the rescue" of faire maidens in distress. For why else would I have been hurt so many times in my life? And had so many failed relationships? Were it not for the fact that I ride to the sound of a females lonely crying heart!