Thursday, February 15, 2007

Have you heard...It's a silent dream...

If you wanted me to tell you truth of what I really wanted. What I truly desire.

I'd tell you...It's not so much a person, but, a place to take someone that I deeply care about. Although, it may not even exist anymore.

It would be very surreal...Not the perfect world, it simply doesn't exist.
A great escape is what I dream, a world almost untouched by human.
"Getting back to nature", I'd like to ponder on and explore.
But, a few necessities are needed. Like, fishing gear, a boat and knives, that would make living there easier.

I dream of waking up next to someone in that place and making passionate love to them over and over. Such an animal instinct, I feel almost ashamed to say it. Because, it is so over used by everyone. But - it is the ultimate expression in pleasuring someone else.

Just getting lost in the vast landscape with them. It would feel like the whole world is just him and myself...

I felt like that the day after New Years Eve this year with a German back packer...Although, I was exhausted as I laid on the beach with him, it felt like I was in another world in some subconscious state. I felt like I was in a world with just him and myself. But, it was really the last time I felt "devious" with someone of the opposite sex nor even slightly 'loved'.

Anyway, I feel I rely on technology too much and I just lose the point in "reality". It's so hard to define these days.
But, I somehow want to find that balance. It's nice just to have some things though.

Materialistic things never make anyone happy...

I believe I would be truthfully happy there for a while, but, then miss what I don't have.

I've seem such things happen in movies and it wouldn't be desirable for too stay for a long period of time. A weekend, Maybe? I don't know.

Conflict, cabin 'fever' is something, I'd like to avoid.

I don't feel the same way back as what you feel for me - But, I don't want you to get too attached to me. For, I guess, if I was to find someone. You'd feel hurt, maybe, even happy for me...It's a possibility.

I can't stand to hurt anyone...I can't stand rejecting someone else or even getting rejected myself.

Still, I am curious about the way you feel about me. I'm not afraid. But, it's a nice thought to feel that someone is fond of me. Someones cares about me... Someone I can feel safe with, to tell them anything that I want too. I feel safe with very few people these days. I just don't know who to trust anymore...



Derek said...

hello that was truly lovely, thankyou
please comment me

Lucifers-light said...

May all your desires come true and manifest themselves in your life soon. And may they bring you all the joy and happiness and security that you deserve.

That is my desire for YOU!