Sunday, February 04, 2007

Just another secret to the world...

We want things that we can't have.
We can't have what we want, apparently.

Needs, wants and desires are all a daily phase in the mind.

Secrets are something everyone has. Some are better not to ever be told.
Yet, I think I have dug into the bone deep enough to see the fractions in between.
I pretty much better spill this one out.

I have another story to tell. It's not really a secret. Although, I wouldn't remember this one at all, I was too "young".
Although not many know this. Because, they are not obvious physical signs or scars. Other than, my slightly awkward coordination skills and my catch up classes when I was 6 years old. Everything has been 'pretty normal' for me.

I was born as a premature baby, born at 27 weeks old, (Born on May the 28th, 1986 - I was supposed to be born during September that year.)
Missing out on 3 months in my Mother's womb. I didn't exactly understand what it meant when I was a child, only to understand what it meant as I grew older...

I was very lucky to have survived my birth. Otherwise, I wouldn't be typing this post right now. I find it sad in a way to think that I may not have existed.

I have mentioned this on Live Journal. I don't think a lot of people took notice though...

I really believe that there is "someone" out there that I haven't yet met who I can truly appreciate me for who I am. Although, that seems to be a common occurrence today.
People just feel like they 'missing something' more. They'll know this in their own heart if they are or are not.


1 comment:

Lucifers-light said...

Thank you for sharing that. Yes, I did notice it on LJ but never said anything.

If I were to offer up a prayer, it would be that you turn that corner in your life where you find the person who will love and appreciate you that way you certainly deserve. That not only will you find them but that they will find you as well. And that whoever it is will realize that fact and not abuse it. That the person will be someone with whom you can have all the fun and adventure that life would offer you.

May this prayer manifest itself in your life soon.

Have a good week.