Thursday, February 22, 2007

No chase, no chance...

I seem give in too easy, depends on the situation and who it is. I'm tired of games and the bullshit; why can't people be honest with each other for once?

But, I am dangering myself to getting hurt if I give in too easy...
I am also leaving myself open if I am to be sympathetic for what-ever reason.

I don't know. Things seem right at the time, then I just think that maybe they weren't the best choice later on. But, at least I had 'some fun' in the process, right...?

So it isn't wasted at all in that sense. But, I keep making the same mistakes over and over when it comes to relationships. I am just damn hoping that one day, SOMEONE will be honest and truthful to me, all the damn way!

Look at me, I'm already slightly worried and I have realised why as well...I'm probably worrying for no damn reason though!

Where did the innocent in life go? It seems they fucked themselves away into the misery.

Then again, another attitude of mine has always been, "whatever happens, happens for a reason and that's just the damn way it worked out!". Obviously, the person I was with or after just wasn't my type nor even 'meant' for me.
I'm enjoying being single, but, I do enjoy a relationship also. Having fun with someone is so rare these days. Not like what has happened to me recently, so damn rare for me!

It was just nice too...


1 comment:

Lucifers-light said...

Again, your questions are questions that I have asked all my life. And found no answers. I do not know why people cannot just be honest in a relationship. I simply know it seems to be beyond them. Something they are completely unaware of that they are even doing. I think it may come from the surge in humanism that began around the turn of the 20th century. People in the 19th century seemed to be that they were honest. And then it changed. And it has gotten worse ever since with no end in sight. Like it is in the human genes or something. Mutations being born from mutants.

Know my heart is with you and wishes you the best.

Your admirer...